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by Simon Cole-Hamilton - 17:38 on 14 November 2009
Comment from at 17:39 on 14 November 2009.
By Jeff Rodin Opposition Labour Leader Enfield Council

When the Conservatives took control of Enfield Council in 2002, one of the first things they did was to dismantle the Economic Development Unit that the Labour administration had created. That unit was working with Business partners and others to attract inward investment into Enfield, both from public and private sources. The Conservatives took the view that the Council should not accept responsibility for this activity, and that such matters were best left to the “free market”.

It is my view that this “hands off” approach of the Tories has exacerbated a trend that was already happening in the Borough, whereby parts of the borough, were suffering from increasing economic hardship. After nearly 8 years of Tory rule in Enfield we are now at a situation where some wards are amongst the most economically deprived in the Country. Belatedly the Tories have made some half-hearted effort to address this situation but they have not been prepared to commit sufficient financial resources to make a meaningful impact. In fact some of the monies available from outside have not been accessed because of the unwillingness of the Tories to match these funds with the Council’s own funds.

The “Equality Bill” which should be passed finally by Parliament in early 2010, will place a duty on Local Authorities to consider reducing Socio-Economic Inequality. The degree of socio-economic inequality in the Borough was highlighted in a paper presented by the Labour Group to the Council Meeting on 11th November.

If you live in the most economically disadvantaged part of the borough, you are 4 times more likely to be unemployed, have a life expectancy of nearly 9 years less, and be 4 times more likely to be part of a family with an income of less than £15,000 per year, than if you live in most economically advantaged part of the borough. This demonstrates massive socio-economic inequality in our borough and I am sure that it comes as no surprise to your readers that all 7 of the most deprived Wards in the borough are East of the Hertford Road. This is of course the part of Enfield that had most of the activity of the Economic Development Unit when Labour ran the Council.

As a consequence of the paper tabled by the Labour Group, The Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee have been asked to come forward with recommendations as to what the Council can do to address this inequality. The Labour Group put forward some ideas at the Council Meeting and will keep the pressure on the Tories to ensure that the Council begins to meet its responsibilities. However, given that next May there will be elections for a new Council, the best way of ensuring that something is done to address these inequalities is to elect a Labour Council.

Jeff Rodin

Comment from at 20:31 on 05 December 2009.

As it gets dark earlier and we enter the long winter months can I remind people where they have alley gates installed to close them and locked them as by leaving them open they are making it easier for would be burglars to enter houses from the rear gardens, if they find the alley gates are not locked properly.

There has been a string of attempted break ins from the rear gardens, but the would be burglars fortunately were unsuccessful on a number of occassions due to the safety measures taken by the house owners to make it difficult for the thieves to enter houses.

Having alley gates is not always guaranteed burglars would be kept away.
Sometimes this is seen as a false security.

Please be vigilant take the proper steps to secure your houses, your properties. Always lock the alley gates after you when you enter or leave the service road.

Once I am on the subject of safety I will also like to advice everyone to enjoy the festive season and be moderate on the drink.

You put yourselves and others at risk.

If you are going drink do it responsibly and always take a taxi and never drive. It is always better not to drive for a night that for a whole year or more.

I will like to take the opportunity of wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2010

Kind regards

George Savva M.B.E.

Labour Councillor Haselbury Ward

Comment from at 06:09 on 06 December 2009.
At a recent survey carried out in Enfield it was found the the Tory administration, with its Leader Mike Rye is the most unpopular Council in comparison to other London authorities.

The main reasons behind it are. Unswept streets lack of understanding of what people need.

The survey asks if you are happy with the way the borough generally is run and whether the council is providing value for money.
A stageering 95% per cent said they are not satisfied.

Even just as bad a large number of parents said their children did not get a place at the school of their choice and a further high percentage said they are still waiting for a place.

Comment from at 00:35 on 21 January 2010.
The following was sent by email to Tory controleed enfield Council who seem to be taking no action against the illegal activities of the Tory candidate for Edmonton Dear All.

As this council boasts to be the council of Law and order and quite often we see in the press how many peope are prosecuted for less serious offences than this carrried out by the Tory cabndidate for Edmonton who is refusing to take down the posters as they are illegal and has ignored calls from officers to follow the guidelines, and what is acceptable, can I therefore ask what is the cabinet member for Environment and street scene is proposing to do and what instructions has he given to the officers to use their powers to take the flyposting down.

In addition the bright lights are a safety hazard and present a very dangerous situation for drivers.

If they are to be taken down when are they likely to be taken down.
If not why not.

Ingnoring calls for action it seems to be the order of the day by this council who is giving us the impression to be selective in where to take action or not.

This is not good enough and it may be a case for the Tory candidate for Edmonton to be disqualified.

This is clearly a breach of guidelines and general practice and there are cases where people have been prosecuted.

The enforcement team should take them down.
As it has been established that this is a breach of the law then there is no other alternative.

Kind regards

George Savva

Comment from at 22:36 on 21 January 2010.

Dear Editor,

One of the questions on the assesment form as to what the council can do, to encourage people in attending meetings, one could say a number of things and suggest a number of ways.

As the budget is an important issue for the residents and want to know how they will be affected with cut backs or not then the last thing one wants to see is to constantly been asked to harry up when engaged in discussion.

This is what happened at the Scrutiny Budget Commission which lasted less that 1 hour and 45 minutes and people virtually shown the door. Was this a Tory tactic you may ask.

Those present came out on a cold night to listen and be allowed to contribute and ask questions on the so called budget and the consultation which has much to hide and nothing to give. Councillors and members of the public were there to listen and be listened to but going through the motions with nothing to consider when those present were just told in brief what the council is going to do or not to do.

Then they ask the scilly question as to what the council can do to encourage people to attend.

Even parts of the borough did not receive the consultation paper in any shape or form.

This has shown clearly that only 200 people replied.

Has the council taken any action to those who have contributed. maybe an acknowledgment.

Even the minutes of at least two scrutiny panels were not available.

EVA's comments (previously circulated) were not even tabled for those present to get an idea.

Budget Consultation. What Budget consultation. You are having a laugh aren't you Tories.

At least one officer was honest enough to say the Palmers Green library is to be moved.
and another said the education issue is experiencing some problems in Enfield.

Kind regards

George Savva M.B.E.

Labour Councillor for Haselbury Ward Edmonton.

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