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                                                                      Scrutiny Panel   George A Savva

Thank you all for your support   The next meeting of Social Services Scrutiny Panel will be on TUESDAY 23APRIL 2013 AT 7.30 P.M. AT ENFILD CIVIC CENTRE SILVER STREET EN1 3XF  ROMM 2 ALL ARE WELCOME      PLEASE POHONE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON 020 8351 1385                                                                                   ===================================


No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal in his or her own way is without enemies.

Daisy Bates (1863-1951)


On a daily basis one comes across people of  whom you hear them say one of their loved ones is suffering from dementia.

It Could be their mother , father grandfather grandmother auntie uncle and so on

The number of people with dementia is steadily growing

The tragedy is that  sometimes is detected too late to be able for the professional to act in delaying the process

It is even  far worse for close relatives who are not aware as to what is  happening  to their close ones and not only do they get stressed but for both parties it can be a traumatic experience as one needs to be trained in dealing with people with dementia.

Educating at least one person per family or even the younger generation to be taught  at schools level of what is dementia can be very helpfull for all

GPs up to recent year never considered this an issue to be treated namely because there was no training available at local level or national.

Much work has been put in this filed by our local authority  In Enfield and The Older People and Vulnerable Adults Scrutiny Panel has pasid particular attention on this filed.

As local authorities are now begining to realise the seriousness are having people appointed to train them.

The dementia week in May 2013 in Enfield will be an opportunity for all the families and people of all ages to attend.  The "Our Enfield" Magazine should be in a position to give much publicity around this event.

Care for the Elderly

Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.

Mark Twain [Samuel Langhornne Clemens] (1835-1910)

The old saying as above is quite appropriate when it comes to the OPVA scrutiny as we will be having managers and other who run Residential Homes to come before our scrutiny and inform us of what challenges they may have and how they are coping

When this was proposed a few months ago people were laughing
It is no longer a laughing matter any more as we have seen what has happened in  certain other boroughs

Lessons may have been learned but this is not by means the end

Carers and service users will also be  invited during the new year as  this scrutiny will adopt other good ideas and more information will be given in due course.

This scrutiny panel will continue to scrutinise , and investigate any service in this department

This is done to protect the Elderly and Vulnerable , as the hard  work this local authority is done and continues to do should not go down the drain by just be complacent.

Compacency is certainly not on the menu and the Year ahead is a year full of challenges and hard work

We need to work together as the people we were appointed to serve come  first and should always be.

The next scrutiny panel of the  OPVA will be  held on 15th January 2013 at 7.30p.m.

Among other things will be discussing the budget and we will have the honour  of welcoming  the Leader Cllr Doug Taylor and cabinet Member Cllr Don McGowan

Will like to thank all the members sitting on this scrutiny

Ahmet Hasan, Chris Cole, Chris Murphy,  Geoffrey Robinson

Co optees John Lynsey, Chris Rash, (Who was the first to bring to our attention the dignity code) and Zahed Zahred

Opposition  Chris Joannides,  Elaine Hayward, Denise Headly, Eric Jukes.

George Savva










Older People and Vulnerable Adults.                                                                     

All these points have been the sublject of many a discussion at scrutiny and in which Enfiled has been dealing with all the time.                                                                                                                                             

Apart from the fact that the loneliness of the elderly which have been campaigning to address for the last 3 years is not included although recently it has been recognised by 
central politicians this is  a serious issue we must all woirk to address as this also comes under the safeguarding of adults.

This will be included on the agenda  of the OP & VA when we next meet  on 18th April 2012

There is a cross party support on this.

A petition is to be started pending further consulation.


Hello George, I have already tendered my apologies for being unable to attend the meeting on 18th April.

The Over 50s Forum has brought the following to my attention and had hoped that I may have been able to raise the matter under AOB.

It maybe, however, that this does not come under the remit of a Scrutiny Panel. As this appears to be a matter, which should be considered,

are you able to suggest the approach or procedure for bringing the matter to the attention of the Council, so that it may be debated?

Your assistance will be much appreciated.

Best regards, Chris

I have been told that this is the National Pensioners' Convention Dignity Code material.

First the code itself, then the letter published by the Daily
Telegraph on February 22nd which you will see was signed by the Care
Services Minister Paul Burstow, the Shadow Minister and various dignitaries
and which we would like our local authority to endorse.

Dignity Code
The purpose of this Dignity Code is to uphold the rights and maintain the
personal dignity of older people, within the context of ensuring the health,
safety and well being of those who are increasingly less able to care for
themselves or to properly conduct their affairs.

This Code recognizes that certain practices and actions are unacceptable to
older people, such as:
… Being abusive or disrespectful in any way, ignoring people or assuming
they cannot do things for themselves
… Treating older people as objects or speaking about them in their presence
as if they were not there
… Not respecting the need for privacy
… Not informing older people of what is happening in a way that they can
… Changing the older person's environment without their permission
… Intervening or performing care without consent
… Using unnecessary medication or restraints
… Failing to take care of an older person's personal appearance
… Not allowing older people to speak for themselves, either directly or
through the use of a friend, relative or advocate
… Refusing treatment on the grounds of age

This Code therefore calls for:
… Respect for individuals to make up their own minds, and for their personal
wishes as expressed in 'living wills', for implementation when they can no
longer express themselves clearly
… Respect for an individual's habits, values, particular cultural background
and any needs, linguistic or otherwise
… The use of formal spoken terms of address, unless invited to do otherwise
… Comfort, consideration, inclusion, participation, stimulation and a sense
of purpose in all aspects of care
… Care to be adapted to the needs of the individual
… Support for the individual to maintain their hygiene and personal
… Respect for people's homes, living space and privacy
… Concerns to be dealt with thoroughly and the right to complain without
fear of retribution
The provision of advocacy services where appropriate.


Letter published by the Daily Telegraph 22nd February 2012

SIR ­ Increasing numbers of older people are unable to care for themselves
or properly conduct their affairs. For too long, too many of these people
have been ignored, denied the basic right to speak for themselves or make up
their own minds.

Many older people have seen their basic human dignity undermined ­ they have
been treated as objects rather than people. In extreme cases there have been
instances of abuse and neglect, but there are many examples of older people
being spoken about as if they were not there, deprived of basic privacy or
denied respect for their hygiene or personal appearance.

At times people have been refused treatment on grounds of age, while others
have been subject to unnecessary medication or restraints. This has to stop.

Today, we are supporting the launch of the National Pensioners Convention¹s
Dignity Code, which aims to uphold the rights and maintain the personal
dignity of older people ­ ensuring the health, safety and well-being of
those who are less able to care for themselves.

It affirms the right of individuals to speak for themselves, either directly
or through a friend or advocate. The code places a responsibility on carers
to respect an individual¹s habits, values and needs, and for carers to speak
to those they look after with respect, using the formal terms of address
unless invited to do otherwise.

Crucially for those needing care, it enshrines the right to have their
concerns dealt with, without fear of retribution. We hope the code will be
the first step towards safeguarding the rights of older people receiving
care in Britain.

Dot Gibson
General Secretary, National Pensioners Convention

Paul Burstow MP
Care Minister

Liz Kendall MP
Shadow Care Minister

Dave Prentis
General Secretary, UNISON

Brendan Barber
General Secretary, Trades Union Congress

Dr Peter Carter
Chief Executive and General Secretary, Royal College of Nursing

Baroness Greengross
Commissioner, Equality and Human Rights Commission

Lord Stewart Sutherland Chair, Royal Commission on Long Term Care

Rodney Bickerstaffe
Chairman, National Pensioners' Education and Welfare Centre

Gary Fitzgerald
Chief Executive, Action on Elder Abuse

Ciaran Devane
Chief Executive, Macmillan Cancer Support

Michelle Mitchell
Charity Director, Age UK

Ruth Marks
Older People's Commissioner for Wales

Dame Jo Williams
Chairman, Care Quality Commission

Martin Green
Chief Executive, English Community Care Association

Allan Bowman
Chief Executive, Social Care Institute for Excellence

Penny Thompson
Chief Executive, General Social Care Council

Brendan Johnston
Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Social Care Council

Annette Bruton
Chief Executive, Scottish Care Inspectorate

Prof Alan Walker
Sheffield University

Prof Julienne Meyer
City University London




   From George Savva,
                             Older People and Vulnerable Adults  Scrutiny panel
The scrutiny on the Older People and Vulnerable Adults will invite service users to let us kniw what experiencesthey have had with the service provided bu HASS   and ways we can improve if it requires impriovement.
This ties in with Safeguarding of Adults and will be a way forward to have bigger attendances at Scrutiny.
Although we have a large representaion of groups such as the Over 50s, Crossroads , EDA,  (Enfield Disablement Association) One two One, and on at times other members of the public I must say that we can always go a step further.
This week saw  the Democatic Week and Democratic  Services were out in yesterday in  full force  in the Town with the Town Crier  plucking it  for the council and for people to get involve in the local affairs and decision making process.
The response from the people in the Town  was a positive one, and many promise that they will be attending future meetings.
Democratic Services are to be congratulated for this, and congratulations also go to all councillors and cabinet members who were present as indeed Andrew Stafford whose portfiolio includes democartic services.
This is something that can be repeated at other areas of the borough at some stage in the future.
One idea that we did adopt many years ago was that  scrutiny meetings on occassions can take place  (and did take place) at other venues around the borough.
Budget permitting this may be a possibility.
The next meeting of the Older People and Vulnerable Adults will take place on Thursday 24th November at 7.30.p.m. in the Conference Room.
Kind regards

Cllr George Savva
Haselbury Ward
London Borough of Enfield
Civic Centre
Silver Street, Enfield,
Tel: 020 8351 1385
Mob: 07943 698 925
Email: cllr.george.savva@enfield.gov.uk
From George Savva,
                             Older People and Vulnerable Adults  Scrutiny panel
The scrutiny on the Older People and Vulnerable Adults will invite service users to let us kniw what experiencesthey have had with the service provided bu HASS   and ways we can improve if it requires impriovement.
This ties in with Safeguarding of Adults and will be a way forward to have bigger attendances at Scrutiny.
Although we have a large representaion of groups such as the Over 50s, Crossroads , EDA,  (Enfield Disablement Association) One two One, and on at times other members of the public I must say that we can always go a step further.
This week saw  the Democatic Week and Democratic  Services were out in yesterday in  full force  in the Town with the Town Crier  plucking it  for the council and for people to get involve in the local affairs and decision making process.
The response from the people in the Town  was a positive one, and many promise that they will be attending future meetings.
Democratic Services are to be congratulated for this, and congratulations also go to all councillors and cabinet members who were present as indeed Andrew Stafford whose portfiolio includes democartic services.
This is something that can be repeated at other areas of the borough at some stage in the future.
One idea that we did adopt many years ago was that  scrutiny meetings on occassions can take place  (and did take place) at other venues around the borough.
Budget permitting this may be a possibility.
The next meeting of the Older People and Vulnerable Adults will take place on Thursday 24th November at 7.30.p.m. in the Conference Room.
Kind regards
Cllr George Savva
Haselbury Ward
London Borough of Enfield
Civic Centre
Silver Street, Enfield,
Tel: 020 8351 1385
Mob: 07943 698 925
Email: cllr.george.savva@enfield.gov.uk





The next meeting of the OPVA is to be held on Thursday 21st July at 7.30.p.m. at Civic Centre Silver Street EN1 3XF.

All are welcome.


The chair of that committee is Cllr George Savva MBE and the Vice Chair is Chris Joannides.

Members sitting on that panel are Cllrs Eric Jukes,  Elaine Hayward, Lionel Zetter,  Patricia Ekechi, Neeka Geezor, Geoff Robinson, Ahmet Karahasan.


Co opted are  a rep from  LINKS  and from over 50s Forum .

Support  scrutiny officer is Linda Leigh, Directors are Ray James, and ADs Lorraine Davies, and Bindi Nagra   and head of Scrutiny, Mike Ahuja. 

The chair has been involved with this scrutiny  panel for the last 7 years and has helped set new high  standards on this committee with excellent scrutiny work, commenteed by many as second to none. 

The agenda will be ready by the 12th July   and if you like to receive one please ring 020 8351 1385

or email gsavva49@hotmail.co.uk






 Social Services Consultation.

Adult Social Services Report

November 2009

Independent Living / The Big Care Debate


Adult Social care is one of the three top priorities the Government have identified and currently there is on website the Government’s Green Paper.
You may wish to read the relevant documents on www.careandsupport@direct.gov.uk and on www.orderline.dh.gov.uk

At the recent Adult Social Services conference in Harrogate Phil Hope Cabinet Minister for Adult Social Care showed his and the government’s commitment by staying right through the entire conference (first time it happened) and has met Labour Delegates from up and down the country to listen and hopefully take the suggestions on board. Andy Burnham M.P. did deliver a very good speech as indeed Ed Balls and were very critical of the Tories not willing to come out with any policies but just attacking the government. All speakers emphasised the need to mention the very good things Labour Government have achieved and has listed a number of initiatives taken by the Labour Government and the investment in front line services.

Phil Hope suggested three options on care at the end of life.

An insurance policy where everyone takes up a policy for £25,000.00 or a one paid off sum of £17,000.00 or a partnership approach where the state may share the costs with the individual. Following a recent consultation the feelings are quite mixed at the moment and there are no clear indications as to where the majority of people will go for mainly I believe it is because people have not read the Green Paper or want more clarification.

The Big Care debate is under way as recent figures showing by 2030 about 2 million more people will
Need care and support and by the same time (2030) a quarter of million people
will be 85 years of age or above that.


Local authorities will be supported by the Government (as there is an acute shortage) in encouraging school leavers to be trained in the Adult Social Care.
Local Councils are having to employ to a large extend Agency Staff.
The current situation is far from satisfactory and the users of services are having to put up with getting to know new carers.
Hopefully the new contract with private sector may allow users to have the services of carers who are familiar with the needs the culture and way of life habits and customs.
During the last Adult Social Services scrutiny panel it was strongly emphasised by the Labour side that the providers who specialise and cater for the needs of the ethnic community be considered to provide a service to parts of the community that prefer and require such service.

Carers Centre

As there is a shortage of carers in Enfield and in view of the Green Paper proposals to encourage people to live independently there may be a need to train more carers.

In addition to that a pilot scheme to help people at the early stage of been diagnosed with dementia is to train the sufferer to get into a routine where the progress of dementia may be slowed.. a pilot scheme is under way and we in Enfield are spending a small amount of money towards this new scheme as another borough has begun this pilot.

It is not clear though whether this will bring the results we all expect. It is at an early stage but no one has come forward to say it definitely going to work.


George Savva 020 8351 1385

Lead on Adult Social Services for the Labour Group in Enfield



                                       Very Important Please reply.

                          Thank You.


Please fill questionaire below and either reply by email on gsavva49@hotmail.co.uk and not later than  Saturday      31/10/2009 Thank You.


Dear All,

My name is George Savva and I am a councillor in Enfield sitting on the Adult Social Services Scrutiny Panel, on the Personalisation of Care , Mental Health and other Adult Social Services related panels and working groups.

I am the Shadow Cabinet rmember  on behalf of the Labour Group in  the London Borough of Enfield.


This website was set up some time to enable you to contact me as our councillor in Enfield and to  give you on the other hand information and any changes in policy that may be of interest. Below I set  afew questions and will like to habve back some feedback as to what your thoughts are.


It takes only 3 minute to fill the question and if you have any queries please contact me on 020 8807 7824


The Government are considering Adult Social Services as one of the top 3 priorities and 430 million pounds are to be spend to improve services in co operation with the the Local Councils and the Voluntary and private sectors.

Further £5 billion will be made available to local authorities to provide better care and improve end of life care. You may have heard rumours that the Disability Living Allowance will be abolished .This could not be further from the truth The Government will never abolish D.L.A. (9Disability Living allowance)
The Green paper is currently under consultation and the white paper will be ready in the new year.This is what is happening on a national level.

The local council in Enfield is considering cutting £5 million on Adult Social Services.

There are going to be some very tough decisions made.

To help us get an idea as to what you consider to be important in Enfield and what services you consider need to be improved as far as Adult Social Services are concerned please can you spend a few minutes in answering a small list questions below.

This is to help us get an idea on what you consider to be important for the elderly and the disabled in Enfield.

Yiou can transfer this onto you email and give your answers that way

1) Do you believe care in the home is important  Yes .No. Do not Know

2) More residential care homes run by the council.

  Yes No Do not Know

 3)Personalisation of Care is better than Direct .Payments. 

Yes No Do not Know

4) Carers Centre providing support to Carers.

Yes No Do Not Know

5) Improvement in Respite Care    Yes. No. Do not know

6) Promoting Independent Living    Yes. No. Do Not know

7) Meals on Wheels to continue. Yes. No. Do Not Know

8) Local Councils to to cut down waiting time
on individual assessment       Yes. No. Do not Know.

And the
two final ones are.

9) Do you welcome the Goverment Green Paper proposal to give those in high need free care

10) Do you also welcome the Government proposal for people to pay £17,000.00 as one off payment for free care at the end of life. This could be paid in instalments.Do you agree to have an insurance for £25,000.00 for end of life care.

Please note the Tory proposal to pay £8,000.00 has been withdrawn by the Tories as this
is a non starter.

Please include any other comments and points that you consider to be important

Please reply by Friday 30/10/09.


Thank you for completing the questionaire.


You can also get more information on the Government's  Green Paper for the Big Care Debate.from www.careandsupport@direct.gov.uk  and from www.orderline.dh.gov.uk

Kind regards

George Savva M.B.E.


email gsavva49@hotmail.co.uk

Tel 020 8351 1385

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